Part 126: Certainly there is much we do not know...
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-
Ricky: Apparently Anton's heart was 'shattered' once again in Rolent. Seems like he intends to be a dramatist or something now.

Laone: The non-aggression pact is a sign of that. If this situation continues, even the queen won't be able to...

Edel: Sell anything you can at all! After all, our customers surely want products. Even if there's things we can't do anything about, we'll do the heck out of what we can do!

Lily: Even so, the reporters and customers are incredible for managing to get an issue out at all. I gotta do my part and sell like crazy!

The Liberl News could probably print a lot more efficiently if they didn't insist on hard-binding every issue.

Nana: I mean, doesn't it just LOOK suspicious?
Phoebe: More like, seriously, gimme a break. Don't you think this lifestyle is SO tragic?

Sorbet: The queen said she wanted to make sure everyone could try it...I was shocked to hear the queen had eaten my ice cream.

Finella: We will gladly offer refunds here for any tickets. We are sincerely sorry.

Carnero: Well, nothing for it then. Just gotta wait and keep the landing port in shape until things change.
Tiffany: I thought the chief engineer would be freaking out more, to be honest. Seems like being in this desperate situation's actually calmed him down. If only he was always this confident.

Licia: At the behest of the queen, who hopes our service will help the citizens relax in some way.
Yes. Learning about the last orbal culture's apocalyptic fall into an age of chaos could only ease the fears of the people.
-Royal Castle-

Private Bergan: Yes, there's no problem. Given the situation, the ambassador would like as much information as he can get, it seems. I've been informed that if you bracers came by, you were to be let through.

Camilla: Olivier left the other day. I wonder if he's all right. Not being able to communicate with your own country in a situation like this is terrifying, I'll admit.

Jerrold: He was yelling something like, 'What do you MEAN, don't move?!'

Councilor Alfre: Is this phenomenon occurring in the Empire as well? It'd be nice to know SOMETHING. Knowing nothing at all is so nerve-wracking.

Secretary Barkley: Just as the ambassador tried to inquire about it, communications suddenly dropped.

Private Tact: Yeah. Ambassador Cochrane's been running around all over the place trying to get a grasp on the situation. I was told she'd like to hear the story direct from you bracers, so I'm to let you through.

Sandy: Lamps are inconvenient and need care when handling, but there's something really heartwarming about them. It may be a bit inappropriate to be thinking that right now, though...

Farrah: I understand why one would worry, since orbments are so common nowadays, but...Perhaps now is exactly when I can be of aid to the ambassador.

Councilor Benicio: Her efforts to gather information have taken quite the toll on her sleep, apparently.

Royal Army Soldier: You're welcome to go in, but be careful.

-Obstructive Existence-

They might have Grand Stream, but they can't reinforce their own numbers. That was not a wise trade.

-Royal Castle-

Private Aluts: Princess Klaudia should be in the castle, but...She's very busy, I believe, so you may not be able to meet her.

Shea: Oh, good, you're back safe...

Shea: Y-You're as beautiful as ever.

Shea: I-It's nothing. If you're looking for Miss Klaudia, I believe I saw her walking to the audience chamber. I think the head maid was with her.

Capital Citizen Jr.: Every day is just unbearable!
Capital Citizen III: How does the throne intend to respond to this situation?

Capital Citizen Jr.: That's...That's absurd!

Capital Citizen Sr.: Duke Dunan's a better person than I'd thought. But, his hairstyle is as terrible as the rumors say...
Capital Citizen Jr.: I see...Seems like the queen's got a lot to think about too.
Capital Citizen III: Knowing the throne is doing its best to respond to the situation is a relief. We gotta do our best too.

If the queen and princess are both in the audience room, then their chambers might be empty. This is finally my chance to do something I've always wanted to do.

Something I could never attempt with either of them watching.

It is something...questionable. It could very well be treasonous.

If Estelle gets caught, even Cassius will be unable to help her.

And possibly even unwilling.

But I just have to.

I can't stop myself.

So very close now. My hands are shaking.

Carp spat out Reviving Balm x2.

This balcony has another good view of the Aureole, too.
-Town Where The Lights Went Out-

Reported results for [Grancel Sewers Monster].
Payment in mira: 9500 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)
Reported results for [Erbe Scenic Route Monster].
Payment in mira: 8000 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)

All branches were contacted and members on standby were gathered.

-Border Patrol Isn't Easy-

Private Olnis: Seems like they're beefing up security on the outer side. It's the right move given the sit, but my side's kinda lonely now. It's been a long time since I ended up gate guarding on my own. If something happens, I'd better be ready to call for reinforcements immediately!

Private Wayne: You bracers can pass freely, so don't worry. Those are General Cassius' orders, and we've received special communiques to that extent.

CWO Dale: Next we really need to get that gate lowered...Aren't those Zero Generator things being mass produced? If we had twenty or thirty of those we could completely restore the whole guard post.

Warrant Officer Talbot: Restoration of communications is our first bit of good news in a while. Now the Royal Army can coordinate properly. Under General Cassius' command, the army all over the nation is finally acting in an organized manner. Our main equipment isn't working and we have a slew of other issues right now, so things are kind of bad, but...To serve your best even under trying circumstances is the duty of the military.

Talia: I don't know if it's because of the state of the world lately, but we've lost a lot of business lately...We've got plenty of open beds, so relax and enjoy yourselves. As a special, each guest is welcome to two pillows. TWO WHOLE PILLOWS. I know such luxury is hard to comprehend, but there it is.

Tammy: Thank Aidios. I was so bored I thought I would die. Maaan, the world seems messed up. *siiigh* I wish I could find me a reliable boyfriend soon.
Sanders: Ahhh, man, this is a pain in the butt. I can't even use the oven! Luckily, I've got a charcoal cooker, so I can still whip up some food. Gotta treasure your old tools.

Private Wolpe: Apparently the goal is to enhance security on the external side, which'd be Zeiss. I'm honored to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jules and Hector. Both of them are good enough that there are rumors about a promotion to the Royal Guard.
Private Jules: Hey, welcome to the Sanktheim Gate! how I'd really like to welcome you, but things are a bit dire for that cheerful a greeting. Everyone inside the guard post is on edge.
Private Hector: No matter what we do, this orbal gate just won't come down. This is the core of the capital's defense, so we're in some serious trouble. Well, even if invaders show up, I'll stop 'em, though.
Now approaching: Zeiss.